70 Following

The Ninja Reader

High-brow or downright pretentious, good PNR or sparkly vampires, I don't care about the premise so long as it entertains me.

Currently reading

Bullying: The Social Destruction of Self
Laura Martocci

I did it. I did the Half, in 2 hrs 29 mins no less

Remember, I was recovering from a stomach bug, too, so I was pretty much wiped out before I even crossed the start line. (Carb load? What carb load?) 


There is one thing about me that everyone needs to understand - when I make a promise (or a commitment,) I take it seriously. As in, unless I am physically incapacitated, I will do my best to make it happen. In this case, I made a commitment to Off the Record, which is a local charity helping young people with mental health issues, and I wanted to keep that commitment. (Link to their introduction video, trigger warning for abuse and depression.)


So this is my plea to you: if you can, please donate. Even if it's a dollar, or a pound, every little bit helps. https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/katyabozukova1