High-brow or downright pretentious, good PNR or sparkly vampires, I don't care about the premise so long as it entertains me.
EDIT: I just realized this is a HarperCollins title. FML
Remember when you first started writing your first stories and all you cared for was the characters doing the stuff you wished you could do, and you didn't care much for a plot? Just me? Oh, okay then.
Sweet doesn't quite cover what this book is. It's the kind of thing you pick up at a down day, probably with some hot chocolate or a glass of wine to go along, and you watch two people fall in love. Two really nice people. Matt in particular is a sort of dream guy - mature, kind, generous, and respectful. Seriously, if you want a romantic lead whose biggest flaw is a major case of foot-in-the-mouth disease, then this is your book. (Seeing as most romantic leads are alpha dog dominate as a rule these days, it's refreshing.) Amy is pretty cool, too.
In fact, much like its predecessor, "Rushing Amy" is one of those romances that are too perfect for words. Unfortunately, where "Blitzing Emily" had paparazzi and major PR games to keep the tension up, "Rushing Amy" is... well, a little guideless. The conflict is all over the place, with motivations and behaviors fluctuating from scene to scene and clues being dropped that lead nowhere.
Here's an example: There are several instances early in the book where Amy worries about the safety of her shop. There is also a sequence of unfortunate events that looks so bad, it could have been orchestrated, complete with a phone call from an unknown number. Then that's dropped, never to be mentioned again, to be replaced with conflict about Matt trying to help Amy with her business when she doesn't want any help. Which... is fine, except after a while, it gets boring. I found myself finishing the book not because I wanted to find out what happens, but because I wanted to get it finished.
But then, that could just be my mileage.